Leveraging Transformational Travel: A Pathway to the New You

Transformational Travel Coaching

What does it mean when you’re a high-performing professional who has hit a brick wall?

When the lines of work and life have become so blurred and challenging you don’t know which way is up or down? When everything just feels downright hard and every hurdle seems impossible to jump over?

Odds are, you’re burnt out. And even higher odds, you need to take a break. Not just a weekend or even a week or two.


I mean an extended break — months or more. And even better, I can help you with this because I've done it myself.

After 20+ years as a project management and business operations executive, I needed more than a break — I needed a reset. Leaving my job and taking jaunts to Antarctica and Barbados helped scratch an itch, to an extent. But it wasn't until I planned and executed a 50-day around-the-world trip that I fully understood the transformational power of travel. And it's a journey I can guide you on as well having visited all seven continents and over 40 countries.

Let’s have a conversation about you and your specific needs.

Solution-Building Sessions

Do you desire hands-on concierge support to help you navigate your full transformational travel journey?

During this 30-minute introductory session, I will provide a detailed explanation of the concierge services included in a bespoke transformational travel engagement and assess your preliminary needs.

Engagement offerings include:

  • Helping identify the goal of your transformational travel

  • Determining the required resources

  • Sequencing how to approach preparation

  • Empowering you to hit the road with confidence

Concierge Solution-Building Session cost: $499 for 1-3 cities, $100 per additional city

Do you need a brief sounding board to help you evaluate some ideas?

During this 60-minute session, I will address your specific needs regarding taking a career break, utilizing travel as a vehicle for self-discovery and help you work through critical questions.

Solution-Building Session cost: $199

Do you have further questions about my specific services?

During this complimentary 20-minute service inquiry session, I will answer your questions about the services I provide and help point you in the right direction on the solution-building session that best fits your needs.

Service Inquiry Session cost: Complimentary